Past Initiatives — The Student Environmental Center

2020-2021 Project Initiatives

Theme: Civic Engagement


The office has been saved

The Enviroslug office has been saved! After many conversations with university administration, we’re happy to announce that the office will remain in use by Enviroslug for the foreseeable future. Thank you for all your support in this process!


Spring 2021 Initiatives

Supporting the UC green new deal (GND) coalition and recentering the student experience at the heart of the Ucsc long range development plan (LRDP)

Goal: Support the UC-wide GND policy framework while advancing UCSC-specific sustainability and climate goals with increased student involvement in their implementation at UCSC.

Challenge the new UCSC LRDP’s focus on needless expansion and lack of student support infrastructure. Voice concerns over a complete lack of student engagement and voices in the LRDP’s development process. Educate the UCSC student body about the impacts of the proposed LRDP, and pose solutions that serve student interests and recenter the student experience as the sole driver for any campus development plans.

Winter 2021 Social Media Projects

Winter finals week Self care challenge

Self are hallenge SE.png

Long range development plan Information

Fall 2020 Projects and Initiatives

Election Results SEC Statement

SEC Elections Statement.png

2020 Election Ca prop information

2019-2020 Initiatives

Themes: Academics/ Education, Environmental Justice, Waste

Spring 2020 Social Media Projects

Posted for @Enviroslugs Sustainability Week (April 13 2020)

Posted for @Enviroslugs Sustainability Week (April 13 2020)

Posted for @Enviroslugs Environmentally Friendly Eating Challenge Week (April 20 2020)

Posted for @Enviroslugs Environmentally Friendly Eating Challenge Week (April 20 2020)

2018-2019 Projects

Our TRAsh map Project

Do you ever wonder where our trash goes after it's thrown in the bin? Trash maps will show us where our trash goes after it is out of our hands. Waste can go in "backyards" as far as out of the country and as close as the next county over. Keep an eye out to see our trash maps to debut on a trashcan near you!

Current trash map information is on the pamphlet below (more information to come).



Plastic Bag Ban

The city bans them, so why does UCSC still have them? What about UCSC's goal to be "Waste Free by 2020"? We are working with the Student Union Association and Campus Administrators to get reduced waste by getting rid of the plastic bags from the Bay Tree Book Store. Let's help the campus reach their goal and work towards being plastic bag free!

The county of Santa Cruz bans single use plastic bags, so why does the university still use them_.png

Recycling Education

Will UCSC be able to reach their goal of being zero waste by 2020? Even though the city of Santa Cruz is not taking in any of UCSC’s mixed recycling, SEC is helping increase recycling awareness in Santa Cruz by doing a recycling game which is similar to basketball. This will be available during our tabling events and will give students a fun educational time.

Recycling Education.png

2017-2018 Projects


The SEC has decided to focus on campus development and the Basic Needs Crisis here at UCSC. 


28,000 by 2040?? This absurd campus enrollment projection was announced by Chancellor Blumenthal back in March, and yet little has been talked about how students NOW are doing. We are fighting to have student voices heard about the current housing crisis and other issues with over enrollment, such as food insecurity, longer graduation rates, inadequate transportation, inadequate academic and cultural resources, overflowing classrooms, busses, and dorms, and much more. 

Working collectively with the Student Union Housing Working Group (SUHWG), Students United With Renters (SUR), Quality Education in the UC's (QEUC), and many other student organizations, we WILL make our demands heard and ENSURE that they are met before any more enrollment increases happens!

Important Articles and Documents About Campus Development:

Support Projects


The Student Environmental Center is currently working with members of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band of Monterey County to petition to the University to remove the mission bell that is currently located outside of Hahn Student Services.

This bell represents the genocide of thousands of indigenous people and the continuous conquest of the land that many tribes believe to have been given to them by their God.

While they ultimately desire to one day be able to take care of the land that is rightfully theirs in the way their God asked them to do, for now they are seeking ways to give proper recognition to the history of the land and the rightful owners of the land, the Yupi Tribe and its subsequent bands.

Removing the mission bell is a small step in making the Yupi and Amah Mutsun history more recognized on campus and giving a sense of ownership back to those who don't even get to enjoy the beautiful land we are lucky enough to be educated on.

To learn more about the Amah Mutsun and the history of their people on this land, please visit their webpage:

To view the resolution letter, click here.

To sign the petition, click here.