Past Projects — The Student Environmental Center


The Housing crisis



During the 2017-2018 school year, the SEC worked on increasing student involvement and knowledge about the Student Housing West (SHW) development project as well as the current "Basic Needs Crisis" here on campus. We participated in conversations at  information and comment sessions we attended; we pushed administrators to have more student sessions where student could directly engage with the SHW developers; we voiced our opinions, held general gathering info sessions, and created infographics to spread knowledge. The SEC further tackled the 1,000 plus page SHW Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) to get more information to students about how the project would impact students and the environment, and the ways in which students could comment on it. We were able to extend the comment session an additional 45 days with the help of many student and community organizations coming and are currently awaiting to hear if the UC Regents will approve the project after the final EIR is released.


Mission Bell TAKE DOWN


MISSION BELL RESOLUTION The Amah mutsun tribal band

To assist the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band in their efforts to draft a Resolution asking the university to remove the Mission Bell located by the Hahn's Student Services building, the SEC acted as a catalyst to share the resolution with students, organizations, and university faculty and staff. With the support of students, professors, provosts, and the like, the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band has successfully recieved affirmation from the university and a promise to remove the bell in the Fall of 2018. 



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Sparked by a need to better serve the students of UCSC's needs, the SEC gathered basic supplies such as soap, Emergen-C, feminine products and sustaininbg snacks such as dinners like lentils, ramen, and mac and cheese, granola bars, juice, etc. Right before finals week and after carefully packaging and wrapping these meals and basic needs, the SEC delivered packages all around campus to various resource centers. All packages had been taken within several days! Based on this success, the SEC hopes to continue this project and to dedicate a portion of funds each quarter to directly serve students needs in this way. 


2017 - 2018 General Gatherings

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Spring Quarter GGs

The SEC typically hosts several General Gatherings each quarter. These gatherings first aim to give students a safe space to meet with other students, student organizers, faculty, and even administration. Secondly, the General Gatherings give students a chance to learn more about and to discuss issues of concern, related to sustainability and environmental justice. During  the 2018 Spring quarter, the SEC held an Administration General Gathering where students attending were given the opportunity to ask questions, to pose concerns, and to write comments directly to campus administration on issues related to the LRDP, to transportation, to sustainable energy use on campus and development, and more. The SEC, further driven to meet students needs and to respond to student concerns, held another Meet and Greet General Gathering where students could drop in to meet with EnviroSlug student organizers, to learn about the orgs, to learn how to get involved in campus activism relating to enviornmental justice, and to suggest ideas for projects directly affecting students.